Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Kiara & Natalie

After class I went to go to visit my grandparents, everyday I visit them just to say hi and check up on them or sometimes just hang out there. When I went inside I see my cousins chilling and my grandma holding her great grand child and her other great grand child chilling in the play pen. The original plan was just to check up on them and go home but change of plans when my niece wanted me to carry her. I decided to stay and hang out with the kiddies and help around at the house.
 I couldn't help myself but to take pictures of the kiddies. Everyone, meet my niece Kiara! Isn't she a cutie? The whole time I was taking pictures Kiara was just staring at me.
My grandma holding another of her great grand child, Natalie. Those cheeks though! Just having Kiara & Natalie in the same room just have lots of feels of cuteness around.

 Smile baby!

 Meet my cousin, Breanne. She is the mother of Kiara. A photo of her holding Natalie.

 Hi Natalie! My oldest brother Marpaul's baby.
 One of my favorite photos. A picture to remember!

 My mom came over after her work and gave her first grand child her shower. I didn't know Natalie enjoys bath time till my cousin told me to get my camera ready for this moment. Perfect capture!
 She fell asleep like this (literally) while my grandma was holding her. 

 Nap time for the kiddies.

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