Saturday, November 8, 2014


My birthday was just on Friday and I was really grateful for the people that greeted me. I didn't plan anything for my birthday, my friends we're asking what was the plan or what was I going to do. I'm not really good when it comes to planning. I was just looking forward to going to my grandparents' house and spend my time there because it's a routine for my family members to come over and spend time with my grandparents everyday. I was satisfied to spend time with my family on my birthday. My grandma & auntie told me I should have fun on this day & celebrate because you only turn 21 once. I didn't know what to do, and every kept saying to get wasted.
Since my birthday passed, people are asking me “How does it feel to be 21 now?”
People at this age or the ones that’s a lot older would say “It’s time to get wasted!” To be honest, I was never the type of person that drinks and get shit face. Occasionally I’ll drink two to three beers at a party and that’s it, not really that hype to get drunk. So being 21 isn't a big deal to me. Yeah, you’re legal to buy booze now but it’s not for me. I know a lot of people would say "You're going to regret it when you get a lot older" I know eventually I'll regret it sometimes that I wished I party out hard & celebrated when I was young. But I believe that I should celebrate when you accomplished or achieved something you were working so hard for. I know I know, don't be too hard on myself. But I did drank a beer on my birthday, blessed to live another birthday! Cheers!

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